100.15500.Tax Assessors 7 Budget 
FYR Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Proj. FYR REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPROVED Change
EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2005-06 REMARKS
Wages 51.1100 90,245 121,662 108,199 142,061 151,423 101,279 55,470 95,091 133,292 185,620 140,588 140,588 5%
Temporary Employees 51.1200 4,136 4,444 20,000 28,371 34,338 15,000 0 note 1
Board of Assessors 5,250 5,875 10,071 21,650 54,500 20,000 15,000 note 5,6
Insurance 51.2100 5,657 9,443 12,746 10,123 12,051 10,024 5,485 9,403 15,920 23800 17,034 17,034 7%
FICA 51.2200 6,943 9,290 8,266 10,901 11,572 8,408 5,033 9,575 14,023 20,996 13,432 11,902 -15%
Retirement 51.2400 1,439 1,639 1,781 1,267 1,629 1,778 804 1,378 2,000 5,569 1,600 1,600 -20%
Professional 52.1200 14,964 17,525 5,000 12,128 2,400 2,400 2,400 0 -100%
Legal 52.1210 4,070 3,020 4,027 5,000 5,000 5,000
Litigation 52.1211 23,801 5,310 9,103 32,000 40,000 15,000 15,000
Personal property audit 52.1213 44,955 26,399 0
Peer Review  52.1215 596
Technical-Kech & Wood (mapping) 52.1300 14,307 5,000 4,500 3,750 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 0% note 2
website 5,000 5,000 0
website with mapping component 3,000 note 2
Cott 52.1301 16,007 15,821 17,624 15,198 15,682 10,692 12,862 16,000 11,769 12,000 12,000 12,000 2% note 3
IKON/Savin (copier support) 52.1316 638 884 800 557 955 700 1,200 1,200 1,200
Repairs/outside labor 52.2206 195 1,195 493 209 0
Telephone 52.3200 1,825 2,502 2,472 2,873 2,966 3,968 2,306 3,953 3,800 4,000 4,000 4,000 5% DSL for CH in here
Postage 52.3210 6,782 3,482 4,059 10,359 3,800 4,018 884 1,515 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 0% reappraisal notices
Advertising 52.3300 685 157 144 0 1,625 1,625 200 500 -69% notices in papers
Travel/lodging 52.3500 2,769 5,458 2,466 40 841 1,843 2,775 2,775 3,375 2,775 3,000 8%
Travel/Assessors 52.3501 527 3,991 3,125 2,692 23 39 5,625 3,750 2,775 3,000 -47%
Education/training appraisers 52.3700 451 610 1,015 0 420 420 420
Education/training/Assessors 52.3701 850 1,590 1,050 1,420 0 600 600 600
training for mapping 10,000 note 2
Office supplies 53.1710 7,150 7,650 10,750 9,807 7,981 6,359 4,522 6,029 9,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 -22%
Parts/repair 53.1750 1,924 173 619 917 236 123 5 9 200 200 200 200 0%
Oil & other petroleum 53.1760 45 22 35 101 17 23 10 17 100 100 100 100 0%
Tires & Tubes 53.1770 1 45 89 328 196 0 200 200 200 200 0%
Batteries 53.1780 82 153 63 63 0 100 100 100 100 0%
Gasoline 53.1790 356 557 481 1,172 574 253 225 386 500 500 500 700 40%
Capital-Buildings 54.1300 325 0 2,000 2,000
orthophotography  85,000 85,000 0 note 2
parcel conversion 25,000 note 2
Vehicles 54.2200 1,800 0
Computers 54.2400 2,520 3,022 1,401 2,500 5000 3,600
Other equipment 54.2500 4,378 6,902 30,530 9,000 9,000 18,184 9,184 9,184 9,184 note 4:
Other equipment 0
Capital lease 58.1200 1,318 24,558 11,011 8,541 0
TOTAL ######## 221,707 233,454 278,053 229,493 229,805 122,829 206,827 325,234 567,077 376,309 262,329 -19.34%
Number of FT Authorized People 5 Admin. Cuts fr. dpt. Req.  $        190,768
Admin. Cuts fr. 05 bud.  $         (51,074)
Board Cuts  $        113,980
note 1: admin rec. Includes temporary for help with upgrading of maps
note2: for existing outdated mapping system support, plan to phase out existing mapping FY06, separate plan to be developed on this
note 3: currently paying $566/mo plus$8500 for software/hardware support of older cott appraisal software, new contract as admin. Rec. New appraisal
note 4: final payment on new software
note 5, 6: BOA wants an increase in the board of assessors pay, reevaluation expect appeals
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