100.21800 Clerk of Superior Court 7 Budget 
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Projection Budget REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPROVED Change
EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2005-06 REMARKS
Wages 51.1100 123,667 129,432 137,463 155,424 160,734 171,399 102,442 184,979 184,979 189,305 189,305 189,305 2% note 1
temp employees 51.1200 10,763 18,500 18,500 5,000 5,000 note 3
Group insurance 51.2100 10,362 12,586 15,933 14,221 15,125 15,349 9,287 15,920 15,920 17,034 17,034 17,034 7%
FICA 51.2200 8,785 9,535 10,222 11,658 11,910 12,562 8,660 15,566 15,681 14,864 14,482 14,864 -5%
Retirement contributions 51.2400 2,668 2,682 2,803 3,188 3,262 3,298 2,143 3,674 3,300 3,600 3,600 3,600 9%
Attorney 52.1210 52 52
Tech/IOS Capital 52.1315 1,976 2,756 2,755 2,350 1,552 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,800 0% note 2
Tech/ICON 52.1316 6,133 5,869 2,355 1,478 1,592 2,614 1,560 2,000 2,000 2,100 2,000 2,000 0% note 2
Maint/ICON 52.2202 223 1,146 782 960 555 951 1,400 1,400 1,000 1,000 -29%
Telephone 52.3200 2,889 2,671 2,414 3,021 2,284 2,401 2,096 3,593 3,640 3,900 3,900 3,900 7% note 6
Postage 52.3210 2,929 2,132 2,027 2,074 2,499 2,551 1,339 2,295 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 0%
Travel/lodging 52.3500 1,300 1,698 1,635 1,716 1,819 1,667 1,405 1,900 1,900 2,100 1,900 1,900 0%
Dues/membership 52.3602 550 375 380 415 415 250 330 330 300 350 300 300 0%
Office supplies 53.1710 13,174 10,837 9,536 9,916 14,151 13,161 8,016 13,742 13,200 14,500 13,200 13,200 0%
small equipment 53.1600 1,500
Capital outlay 54.2300 11,410 11,410 11,410 doc backup
Capital outlay 54.2500 240 699 1,010 4,300 4,300 note 2
Software contract xx.xxxx 695.00
Other Equipment note 5
TOTAL 173,152 177,817 186,967 207,253 218,027 231,072 161,610 277,713 277,530 263,754 252,021 261,704 -5.70%
Number of FT Authorized People 5 Admin. Cuts fr. dpt. Req.  $          11,733
Admin. Cuts fr. 05 bud.  $          25,509
Board Cuts  $           (9,683)
note 1: Includes 2% state COLA for elected COC
note 2: will be impacted if new copier arrangements made- more research needed
note 3: document backup- Need to develop a program for this (more research needed)
note 6 additional 160/mo for dedicated DSL line to Admin. For document backup system