100.24500 Probate Court 7 Budget 
FYR Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Projection Budget REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPROVED Change
EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2005-06 REMARKS
Wages 51.1100 87,278 91,484 97,979 117,738 117,991 128,060 76,460 134,427 134,427 157,717 157,717 157,717 17% note 1
part time 5,500 5,500
Group insurance 51.2100 6,713 7,739 9,537 8,488 8,919 9,447 5,541 9,552 9,552 13,629 13,629 13,629 43%
FICA 51.2200 6,429 6,722 7,350 8,895 8,772 9,483 5,611 10,704 10,704 12,065 12,065 12,065 13%
Retirement 51.2400 2,124 2,202 2,351 2,600 2,683 2,728 1,762 3,021 2,900 3,500 3,000 3,000 3%
Technical-GCIC 4,600 note 3
Technical/IKON 52.1316 930 553 595 650 837 686 442 758 552 930 850 930 68%
Telephone 52.3200 1,850 2,105 2,063 2,428 1,844 1,910 953 1,634 2,000 2,000 1,800 1,800 -10%
Postage 52.3210 943 691 699 728 1,173 655 570 977 750 750 750 750 0%
Advertising 52.3300 20 0 0 100
Printing and Binding 52.3400 156 1,010 146 250 1,000 500 500 500
Travel/lodging 52.3500 1,147 1,230 1,380 1,340 1,256 695 602 1,032 1,400 1,400 1,100 1,100 -21%
Dues 52.3602 585 615 200 200 475 400 250 250 270 500 270 270 0%
Witness subpoena 52.3630 194 0 0 100
Education/training 52.3700 50 225 495 280 see ed fund
Office supplies 53.1710 2,174 1,318 1,660 1,064 1,744 1,424 1,329 2,278 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 0%
Capital outlay 54.2500 222 0
Other Equipment 54.2500 697 5,650 900 5,650
computers 54.2400 485 723 517
Misc  xx.xxxx 368 0
TOTAL ######## 115,144 124,280 145,209 146,932 157,295 93,666 170,383 170,755 205,141 194,281 199,111 16.61%
Number of FT Authorized People 3 Admin. Cuts fr. dpt. Req.  $        10,860
Admin. Cuts fr. 05 bud.  $      (23,526)
Board Cuts  $        (4,830)
note 1: includes State COLA 2%, also 
note 1:  part time started in 2005 (600 hrs/yr) requested to be full time to cover 14000.52.1314 (except ballot printing) and part time 14000
note 2: copier may be break, replace typewriter and fax machine
note 3:   Another cost paid for by the State in previous years and now passed on the County