100.65100.Library Administration 7 Budget 
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Project. Budget REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPROVED Change
EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2005-06 REMARKS
Auditor ###### 4,240 5,330 3,920 7,400 7,400 9,000 9,000 3,600 3,600 -60% note 2
Bldgs/grounds supplies ###### 709 463 2,679 2,198 0 #DIV/0!
Library    ###### 80,000 82,200 87,500 87,500 90,000 67,500 45,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 0% Note 1
Library 04 payment 22,500 22,500 22,500
Materials 20,000 10,000 note 3
Maintenance & Improvements note 4
automatic doors 15,000
ramp 20,000
carpet 50,000
doors 1,000
caulk 500
small mtg room 7,500
roof 35,000
reupholster note 5
capital match with Library Board 40,000 note 6
TOTAL 80,709.00 82,663 94,419 95,028 93,920 67,500 74,900 119,900 121,500 248,000 103,600 133,600 9.96%
Admin. Cuts fr. dpt. Req.  $      144,400
Admin. Cuts fr. 05 bud.  $        17,900
Board Cuts  $      (30,000)
note 1: state requires maintenance of effort requiring funding at least at the level budgeted in prior year PLS-6-2-f-1
note 2:  05 includes expenses from 04 not incurred until 05
note 3: one time grant not to be a part of maintenance of effort (see note 1), rec. Library board consider matching with their reserve
note 4:  one time grant not to be a part of maintenance of effort (see note 1)
automatic doors  $     15,000 not part of admin. Rec
ramp  $     20,000 not part of admin. Rec, but need to evaluate ADA
carpet  $     50,000 not part of admin. Rec
doors  $       1,000 not part of admin. Rec
caulk  $          500 not part of admin. Rec, need to do as part of reg. maint in 15650
small mtg room  $       7,500 not part of admin. Rec
roof  $     35,000 getting proposal to fix drains
 $    129,000
note 5: Audit shows $107,000 fund balance request Lib Board consider matching
note 6:   This is a one time capital match and not to be considered a part of local funding level as described by PLS-6-2-f-1