100.71300.Agricultural Resources 7 Budget 
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Project. Budget REQUEST RECOMMENDED APPROVED Change
EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2005-06 REMARKS
Wages 51.1100 39,627 38,132 41,986 45,282 46,896 50,049 27,859 47,758 49,482 51,956 49,178 49,178 -1%
FICA 51.2200 2,091 3,266 3,561 3,935 4,039 4,199 2,402 3,654 3,785 3,975 3,762 3,762 -1%
Teacher's Retirement 51.2410 3,929 3,881 3,819 3,270 3,380 3,416 1,381 2,367 3,300 3,465 3,300 3,300 0%
Disposal 52.2110 300 135 535 449 242 415 375 400 400 400 7% Note 1
Maint/Xerox 52.2204 612 781 611 450 468 486 504 864 500 5,000 500 500 0% see copier proposal
Maint/Pest control 52.2205 75 0
Outside Labor 52.2206 25 225 0
Telephone 52.3200 3,720 3,618 3,841 3,512 3,446 3,697 2,212 3,792 3,600 3,900 3,600 3,600 0% look at cell phone
Postage 52.3210 210 244 47 241 296 259 185 317 200 300 300 300 50%
Travel/lodging 52.3500 2,596 1,770 2,587 1,909 1,983 1,260 757 1,298 1,000 2,400 1,300 1,300 30% look to get vehicle
Dues 52.3602 200 420 350 355 0
Education/training 52.3700 650 375 862 905 0 check ed fund
Energy 53.1200 7,013 6,976 142 6,704 8,790 8,778 4,937 8,463 8,400 9,000 8,400 8,400 0% Note 1
Water/Sewerage 53.1210 544 0
Natural Gas 53.1220 1,666 0
Electricity 53.1230 5,115 0
Housekeeping supplies 53.1702 135 76 3 26 153 81 139 100 100 100 100 0%
Office supplies 53.1710 1,384 1,110 1,426 1,292 1,336 864 792 1,358 1,050 1,500 1,300 1,300 24%
Bldgs/grounds supplies 53.1720 2,504 2,703 671 969 647 384 204 350 450 700 450 450 0%
Parts/repair 53.1750 6 38 51 15 576 93 12 21 100 100 100 100 0%
Oil/petroleum 53.1760 12 14 31 21 44 22 10 17 50 50 50 50 0%
tires 53.1770 344 0
Gasoline 53.1790 324 655 813 507 672 617 438 751 550 700 700 700 27% new vehicle may need more
Outside labor 52.2206 0
Computer 800 900 900 900 500 note 2
Parking Lot extension
Tires/tubes xx.xxxx 69 268 0
Contingency pymts xx.xxxx 300 0
TOTAL 64,232.00 64,032 68,384 68,967 74,920 76,431 42,916 72,463 73,842 84,046 73,440 73,440 -0.54%
Admin. Cuts fr. dpt. Req.  $        10,606
Admin. Cuts fr. 05 bud.  $             402
Board Cuts  $                -  
Note 1 Water Authority expenses are no longer included in these line items.  Water authority is billed for 25% of these costs
Note 2 If get matching grant then will  fund during the year