SPLOST I FY03 Budget FY03 Project. Audited 03 Audited 04 FY05 FY06
Prior year Unreserved Fund Balance       999,750      999,750          999,750        906,727      259,015         73,195
Interest (2% of fund balance)        10,000        10,000 11980            8,073          5,180
Transfer SPLOST II (City share of HMRP)        34,800        34,800
Alan Powell Fire Dept. Grant for Paving        10,000        10,000 10,000
Immediate Threat & Danger (HMWater)        50,000        50,000          50,000
DNR Grant (Land Purch Recreation)        50,000        50,000 50,000
total revenues   1,154,550   1,154,550            71,980        964,800      264,195         73,195
Courthouse Roof        12,000          2,000
Fire Department
Fire Training Facility        20,000             500 472                  -           64,000
New Radio System        45,000                -              3,975        41,000
Paving Training Facility (Alan Powell Grant)        10,000                -           10,000
Road Paving          51,102      100,000
Water System & Indusrial Dev. Outlays
Water System-Gateway Tank      400,000                -   105,382        364,132
Hodges Mill      115,000      103,000
Industrial Develoment
EMC 10 yr 0% Loan         30,716        30,716          37,500
UDDA 40 yr 4.75% Loan         28,148        28,148 59,149          28,150
Capital for phase 1b        227,996
Recreation Expansion        50,000
Difference on Greenbar and Audit          18,181
Total Expenses      660,864      164,364          165,003        731,036      191,000         74,000
Cash Fund Balance      493,686      990,186          906,727        259,015        73,195            (805)
Unallocated Funds        73,195            (805)