Planning Session
Attendance: Chairman Joel Moore, Commissioners Ken Brown, Don Burdick, Harry Hannah and R. C. Oglesby.
Others in attendance were County
Administrator Gary Cobb, County Attorney
Chairman Moore called the meeting
to order at
John Williamson, a member of the Franklin/Hart Airport Authority briefed the commissioner on possible grant opportunities including a 95% / 5% FAA grant. Mr. Williamsons sought the commissioners’ opinions whether they would advance half of the funds necessary to purchase additional property for the lengthening of the runway. These funds would be reimbursed with the grant less the 5% match. The commissioners were generally in agreement with the proposed but requested additional printed information on the matter.
The possibility of putting gas lines in the same time water mains were installed was discussed. Rick Haney will investigate the technical considerations of joint trench construction.
(a) Board Appointments
were reminded that several appointments expire at the end of the year and the
last scheduled meeting is
(b) Panorama Point Subdivision request for signage
A request was received in writing to replace existing 4x4 post wooden subdivision signs with 3’x3’x8’ brick column signs. After discussion, the direction of the commissioners was to allow new signs of wood construction and they must be a minimum of 5’ off the pavement. A right-of-way ordinance is under consideration.
(c) Proposed Grant Position for E&S Control
A proposal made by Forrest Ferguson was discussed. The issue will be revisited in January.
(d) Subdivision Update
were given an update on the committee’s progress to update the Subdivision
Ordinance. A markup will be discussed at their
Chairman's Report
Chairman Moore reviewed upcoming meetings and events as follows:
Fireman’s Christmas Dinner
Roads planning session at
Meeting with elected state representative at
Reception for Senator Madden at
February 15th and 16th
ACCG Legislative meeting in
(6) Economic Development
· Van Assembly Shop
(7) A followup was made on the N.E. Georgia Homebuilders request for additional help for the Hart County Health Department in conjunction with the septic tank approval process.
Commissioners' Reports
Commissioner Burdick discussed the RDC proposal
for a regional tourism center in
(b) Commissioner Burdick discussed the Homestead Exemption for senior citizens.
(a) Comments on DFACS building lease sent to DHR attorney.
(b) No response as yet from Mr. Strader.
New Business
Six items added to the
agenda. Four pertained to the CDBG, one to authorize beeper bids, and one to
authorize paving bids for
Meeting was adjourned at
Moore, Chairman Gary S. Cobb, Administrator