Hart County Board of Commissioners
October 25th, 1999
Planning Session
Present: Chairman Moore, Commissioners Ken Brown, Don Burdick, Harry Hannah and R. C. Oglesby. Also attending were County Administrator Gary Cobb, County Attorney Walter Gordon and Sun reporter Mark Lanford. Len Jasinski attended part time.
County Attorney Walter Gordon reported that the Public Defender Bill Daughtry has submitted his resignation. He is going into private practice. The five county attorneys of the Northern Judicial Circuit have advertised for his replacement and plan to begin interviews in the near future.
Old Business
No old business items
New Business
1. Beer/Wine permit
Staff reported that ordinance provisions are met.
2. 2000 Census – Mr. Lattuada will present information on the 26th
County Administrator's Report
1. Prebills
This procedure has the recommendation of the Tax Commissioner’s office. A private printing company, who has a state contract, would mail out auto tag bills monthly showing the amount due and when they were due. The bills would also carry bar code identification. The bill recipient could either mail their payment to the Tax Commissioners or pay in person. If the payment were mailed then the decal would be mailed back to the vehicle owner. A $1.00 service fee will be added to each bill, whether the vehicle owner chooses to pay in person or by mail. In the year 2002, we will have to issue new license plates. In that year, a $2.00 fee would be charged to cover the increased handling charges. It cost $1.66 to send a plate through the mail.
2. Newspaper recycling – Hartwell Sun
A proposal has been made to the county to have a container placed at the new Hartwell Sun location to collect excess & scrap newsprint. We were requested to pick it up and transport it to the transfer station. More information is required before a recommendation can be made.
3. Straw Blower
Action was delayed on purchasing a used straw blower.
4. Last lot on Industrial Park Road
Discussion on whether to proceed on improvements to the last lot led to a decision not to make improvements at this time.
5. Government Day
Update information given
6. Dump truck accident
Details of dump truck accident with overhead power were discussed.
Commissioners' Reports
1. Commissioner Burdick reported on the Revenue policy questionnaire due this Friday.
2. Chairman Moore discussed efforts to locate office space for Sr. Judge Bryant.
3. Chairman Moore discussed need to have a meeting whose sole agenda would be road policy. The meeting should be as soon as practical in November.
4. Senator Madden will be honored on December 14th, 1999 at 4:30 p.m. preceding BOC meeting with a reception.
Chairman Moore recognized a motion and 2nd to go into executive session to discuss a personnel matter and a real estate matter. Motion carried unanimously.
Following executive session meeting was adjourned.
Moore, Chairman Gary S. Cobb, County