Hart County Water & Sewer Utility Authority

August 22nd, 2000

5:00 p.m.


The Hart County Water & Sewer Utility Authority met August 22nd, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.


Chairman Fort Oglesby presided with Members Jerry Cleveland, Pat Goran, Larry Haley and Executive Director Jere Johnson in attendance. Member James Oliver was absent.


Call to Order and Approval of Minutes


Chairman Oglesby called the meeting to order. Pat Goran entered a motion to approve the minutes of the July 25th, 2000 meeting. Jerry Cleveland provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Director's Report 


Director Johnson reported the rate study performed by Precision Planning would cost $5,955. He said the City of Hartwell officials have agreed to split the cost with the Authority.


Pat Goran entered a motion to allow Chairman Oglesby to execute the contract with Precision Planning. Jerry Cleveland provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Director Johnson also reported the proposed FY2001 budget has been submitted to the Board of Commissioners for their consideration.


Attorney's Report


Attorney Walter Gordon reported the City of Royston has adopted and executed the Intergovernmental Water Agreement. He recommended the Authority consider adopting the agreement so it can be presented to the Board of Commissioners at their meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. this p.m.


Jerry Cleveland entered a motion to adopt the Intergovernmental Water Agreement. Pat Goran provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Attorney Gordon reported the City of Hartwell has not officially responded to adopting the Intergovernmental Water Agreement.


Pat Goran asked when will the short term agreement with the City of Hartwell be effective for the 29N water line project. Attorney Gordon responded that the short-term agreement is for twelve months and the effective date will begin the first day water flows through the pipes.


Chairman Oglesby said he hopes the City Council will revisit the possibility of increasing the short-term agreement and increase the number of metering points.


Jerry Cleveland voiced his concern that the City of Hartwell might not renew the short-term agreement. He asked if the authority is going to build their own water plant. Chairman Oglesby said that decision is up in the air. Attorney Gordon said if the authority could reach an agreement with the City of Hartwell and get water at a fair price it would be a winning situation for everyone.


Pat Goran asked if the City of Hartwell officials could legally shut off water after the short-term agreement ends. Attorney Gordon said he would have to research the matter.


Jere Johnson remarked he has extremely high hopes that everyone will begin to work together to provide water to the unincorporated areas.


Attorney Gordon said they have a number of option to explore. Jerry Cleveland responded that they need to be planning in advance to provide water to the county residents.


Jerry Hood representing Precision Planning reported there was a sixteen day delay in acquiring all the necessary permits and the DOT has approved the linement on the 29N water line. He reported the bid date should be scheduled for September 21st, 2000 and he will be running the necessary legal ads in the newspaper.


Larry Haley voiced his concern about the specs for joints for the fire hydrants. Jerry Hood explained that it's probably a transition point. Mr. Haley also inquired about the tree line just beyond Sardis Baptist Church. Mr. Hood said they would hope to be dodging the tree line.


Larry Haley said he wants to make sure the project is bid apples to apples.


Pat Goran inquired about the tap valve sleeve. Jerry Hood said they place stone behind the tap sleeve and Precision Planning uses the current engineering standards.


Jerry Hood said they would receive bids for the water tank at the Gateway Industrial Project at the same time they bid out the 29N project.


Chairman Oglesby reported the City of Lavonia has agreed in principle to provide water to the Gateway site. He said they are waiting for engineers to do the study and a letter of intent from Mayor Owens.


Chairman Oglesby said the water tank at the Dunlop Plant is too small to move. He also stated he is going to recommend to the county to help with the expenses to get the water tank at the Center of the World at least cleaned up if not used.


It was agreed to schedule the bid opening for the 29N project September 21st, 2000 at 5:30 p.m. Chairman Oglesby also reminded everyone the regular meeting would be held September 26th, 2000 at 5:00 p.m.


With no further business the meeting was adjourned.




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Fort Oglesby, Chairman                                 Lawana Kahn, Secretary