Hart County Board of Commissioners

February 22nd, 2000

7:00 p.m.


The Hart County Board of Commissioners met February 22nd, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.


Chairman Joel Moore presided with Commissioners Ken Brown, Don Burdick, Harry Hannah and R. C. Oglesby in attendance.


Call to Order, Welcome, Moment of Silence


Chairman Moore called the meeting to order, welcomed those in attendance and called for a moment of silence.


Chairman Moore reported the Public Hearing for the Land Development Standards revision will be conducted prior to the regular scheduled meeting.


Public Hearing -- Land Development Ordinance Revision


County Administrator Gary Cobb reported a committee was formed and worked on the revisions to the Land Development Standards Ordinance for approximately six months. He explained the revisions of the ordinance.


Attorney Eugene Harper expressed his concern about the revisions to the Land Development Ordinance as follows: If tract is big enough for septic tank and well the owner should be allowed to have both; Flag lots - people are willing to purchase; cost to developer will be increased tremendously and passed on to the buyer; developer will have to hire an engineer which will be an additional cost of $15,000 to $20,000. He also expressed he thought the ordinance goes too far.


Real Estate Agent and Developer Bruce Bate commended the BOC on developing standards but asked them to use common sense. He said setbacks are not necessary; Flag lots ought to be allowed; some requirements are illegal; ordinance will give more authority to the County Sanitarian; and a six-inch water line can cause problems with pressure. He also said the county should not require fire hydrants.


County Administrator Gary Cobb said the ordinance does not address  septic systems on site enforcement. He said the ordinance would not change the manner in the way a property owner gets a septic tank.


County resident Virgil Ayers said the land development standards needs some changes however; it allows too much control to the governing authority. He voiced his concern of the section pertaining to non-public water. He requested the Board review the revisions before they vote to adopt it.


County Administrator Gary Cobb said there are regulations for water systems that serve multiple residents. He also said that if land is subdivided the regulations are applicable.


The public hearing concluded at 7:30 p.m.


Approve Agenda


Commissioner Hannah entered a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The agenda is recorded in the "1999-2000" minutes book.


Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

            01/17, 02/07, 02/08, 2/14/00


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to approve the minutes of January 17th, February 7th, 8th and 14th 2000. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Remarks by Invited Guests, Committees, Authorities, Etc.




Reports By Constitutional Officers & Department Heads


County Attorney Walter Gordon reported the contracts for bushhogging and resurfacing Nancy Hart School and Montevideo Roads have been completed.


He also was pleased to announce a historic event that the City of Hartwell officials has agreed to bulk sale water to the Hart County Water and Sewer Authority. He said the short-term agreement would maximize county taxpayers money.


County Administrator's Report




Chairman's Report


Chairman Moore reported the following:


·        The county will receive $13,000 to $14,000 for expenses incurred for the cleanup and damages from the recent ice storm.

·        Request ISO to re-evaluate the ISO rating in the county.

·        Annual audit was delayed until March 14th, 5:30 p.m. meeting. He said all expenditures were made in accordance with the adopted budget. He encouraged county residents, elected officials and department heads attend the meeting.


Consent Agenda


a.                  Lawn Maintenance contract

Authorize the County Administrator to advertise for bids for its 2000 lawn maintenance

b.                  Board/Authority appointments

Re-appoint Fort Oglesby, Pat Goran and Jerry Cleveland to the Hart County Water & Sewer Authority for a two-year term beginning April 1, 2000 and ending March 31, 2002


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Hannah provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The consent agenda is recorded in the "1999-2000" minutes book.


Old Business


a.                  Second reading revision to Chapter 46, Land Development Standards


County Administrator Gary Cobb said he had one further comment pertaining to the committee that worked on the revisions to the Land Development Standards Ordinance. He said that the developer on the committee did not agree whole heartily with the revisions.


Mr. Cobb also reported that he did not receive any bids for the renovation project at the county courthouse and annex facility. The commissioners agreed to allow Mr. Cobb to re-advertise for the renovation project.


Commissioner Oglesby asked that the comments made during the public hearing to amend the Land Development Standards be taken into consideration. Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to table a decision on the revisions to the Land Development Standards until the next scheduled meeting. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Public Comment - Executive Session As Required - Adjournment


The following residents of Ridge Road thanked the Board for their efforts to widen Ridge Road:     James Nix, Frank Herring, Carl Ivey and Margaret Haley.


Virgil Ayers said he has been to many budget hearings and there is not much public input. He also said he appreciated the commissioners tabling the Land Development Ordinance revision.


Kevin Heaton asked if the commissioners made a decision pertaining to their concern voiced at the planning session on February 21st of the gambling parlor in the Sardis community.


Chairman Moore said the county is limited to gambling parlor establishments and the machines are controlled at the state level. He also said the State Department of Revenue collects revenues from the gambling establishments.


Bobby Gaines said he felt the commissioners are getting back to the zoning issue that was brought up one year ago.  He complained that according to the Land Development Standards revision he could not cut off one acre of land and give to his children without having engineering approval.


Kevin Heaton asked if the board would be taking action at their March 14th meeting on the gambling parlor. Berkley Heaton asked if the board could arrange a meeting with Representative Powell and Senator Madden to discuss the matter.  Commissioner Hannah recommended Mr. Heaton contact Senator Eddie Madden and Representative Alan Powell to voice his concerns about the establishment. He also said the county is very limited to control gambling parlors from coming into the area.


Tom Morris stated there would be something to stop gambling facilities from coming into the county if the county had a land use plan. He remarked that the commissioners "dropped the ball last year". He said if they would have adopted what the land advisory committee recommended for land use instead of allowing Ga. Mountains RDC to make it too complicated for Hart County, they would have some type of enforcement. Mr. Morris also expressed concern for traffic problems in the Sardis area since lottery stores and gambling facilities are locating there.


Commissioner Brown entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.





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Joel Moore, Chairman                                 Lawana Kahn, County Clerk