
Hart County Board of Commissioners

Called Work Session

April 10th, 2003

5:30 p.m.

The Hart County Board of Commissioners met April 10th, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.

Chairman Banister opened the meeting with a prayer. Those in attendance were:
Commissioners Dorsey, Oglesby, Carter and Reyen.

Also present were Walter Gordon, Gary Cobb, Don Burdick, Ginger Johnson, Peggy Vickery, Terrell Partain, Jeff Schenck (Sun reporter), Pete Nagle, Jay Earle and two other citizens.

Chairman opened the floor to the question of how best to fill the pending County Administrator position. Copies of the Administrator Job Description and the newspaper ads were distributed.

Commissioner Oglesby expressed his opinion that the administrator must live in Hart County.

Commissioner Reyen asked the question, if the model (organizational structure) we presently have in place (Commission/Manager) is working so well, why would one want to change it?

Commissioner Dorsey elaborated on earlier comments concerning organizational structure by explaining the county's need to be lean with good department heads and perhaps add 1/2 person in administration. The major weakness to this type of structure would be no single person is responsible to the board.

The County Administrator was asked whether the division of staff responsibilities was appropriate now. His response was as long as the Administrative Assistant position is part time, the job description and responsibilities of the Clerk and Deputy Clerk were OK. If the Administrative Assistant were a full time position, then some adjustments would be in order. In fact those adjustments were identified two years ago and discussed with the Clerk and Deputy Clerk at that time.

Visitor Don Burdick expressed his opinion that the Board should let the process work, that is, advertise, review and consider applications and see what happens.

Commissioner Dorsey said he felt that the county should follow its own policy of looking for qualified candidates internally before looking externally. There was consensus on this point. The internal advertisement will be put out on April 11, 2003 with an expiration of April 21, 2003.

There was a great deal of discussion on appointing an Interim County Administrator. Pros and cons of this action were discussed as well as potential candidates.

The present County Administrator stated he would be available part time to assist the Board in any way they desired as they worked towards his replacement.

Following further discussion and questioning by all the commissioners, the following motion was made by Commissioner Reyen:

The BOC would keep its present organizational structure and pursue the employment of a full time replacement for the County Administrator's position by advertising internally for one week and continue external advertising. Employee applications would be considered at an Executive Session April 22nd, 2003.

Second was made by Commissioner Dorsey.

Chairman Banister then asked if there was any public input.

Don Burdick reiterated his earlier comments.

Peggy Vickery, representing the Chamber of Commerce, stated her organization fully supports the motion and complemented the Board on its process.

With no further input, the vote was called for. Vote 5-0.

Motion by Commissioner Reyen, second by Commissioner Carter to adjourn. Vote 5-0.

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Randy D. Banister, Chairman                   Gary S. Cobb, County Administrator