NOVEMBER 10, 1998
5:30 P.M.
The Hart County Board of Commissioners met November 10, 1998 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.
Chairman R. C. Oglesby presided with Commissioners Ken Brown, Don Burdick and Joel Moore in attendance. Commissioner Harry Hannah was absent.
Call to Order, Welcome, Moment of SilenceChairman Oglesby called the meeting to order, welcomed those in attendance and asked for a moment of silence.
Approve AgendaCommissioner Moore entered a motion to approve the meeting agenda. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The agenda is recorded in the “1998” minutes book.
Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held October 27, 1998. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Remarks by Invited Guests, Committees, Authorities, etc.
Gary White and Bob Pickett, Boy scout leaders, introduced the cub scout troop members in attendance. Mr. White explained the scout troop members are working on their leadership pens.
Reports by Constitutional Officers and Department HeadsCounty Attorney Walter Gordon announced GTS’ continuing success collecting delinquent taxes. He also stated a delinquent tax sale is scheduled in December 1998.
County Administrator’s ReportCounty Administrator David Brooks reported four proposals were received for the construction of the new Department of Family & Children Services building. He stated a committee has been formed to evaluate the proposals.
Mr. Brooks reported two executed certificates of distribution for the 1% Local Option Sales Tax has been submitted to the Department of Revenue. These certificates will correct the previously discussed mutual oversight on the part of the parties to the agreement. The certificates are recorded in the “1998” minutes book.
Mr. Brooks also reported that a request for proposals for workers compensation insurance coverage advertisement is being run in the local newspaper and the deadline for submission is December 4, 1998 at 5:00 p.m.
Commissioner Burdick explained the current Department of Family & Children Services building does not have adequate space.
Mr. Brooks explained the new Department of Family & Children Services facility will be funded by the State of Georgia and no county funds will be used in the construction of the building.
Chairman’s ReportChairman Oglesby reported the Department of Transportation will fund the relocation cost of utilities on the SR77 project. He thanked Representative Alan Powell for his efforts in acquiring the funding from the DOT.
Commissioner Burdick and Commissioner Moore thanked Representative Alan Powell and Senator Eddie Madden for their support in acquiring funds for various projects for Hart County.
Chairman Oglesby announced an application has been submitted to the Department of Transportation to fund a caution light at the intersection of CR51 & CR395.
Chairman Oglesby announced Fabritex Inc. will expand its facility in the near future.
Old Businessa. Northeast Georgia Animal Shelter agreement
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to adopt the NEGAS agreement. Commissioner Moore provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The agreement is recorded in the “1998” minutes book.
New Businessa. Approval of Recreation Advisory Board By Laws
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to approve the Recreation Advisory Board By Laws and recommended with the amendment that in the event the Advisory Board due to lack of attendance the Board of Commissioners would be notified accordingly and asked to appoint a replacement. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The By Laws are recorded in the “1998” minutes book.
b. State Library Funding Support Resolution
Commissioner Moore entered a motion to adopt the resolution. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The resolution is recorded in the “1998” minutes book.
c. Board/Authority Appointments
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to reappoint Bruce Harris to serve on the Georgia Mountains Regional Health Board for a three year term. Commissioner Moore provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Moore entered a motion to appoint Jean Kidd to serve on an interim basis on the Georgia Mountains Community Service Board until a permanent successor could be appointed. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Moore entered a motion to reappoint Mark Tomlin, Jimmy White and Bobby Humphrey to serve a two year term on the Recreation Advisory Board beginning January 1, 1999. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
d. Virgil Ayers/Stray dogs
Virgil Ayers resident of the Vanna area asked the board to consider adopting an ordinance forcing dog owners to keep their pets off other people’s property. Mr. Ayers stated he has lost seven head of cattle from dogs attacking them and his only recourse is to take the owners to the Small Claims Court.
Mr. Ayers also suggested the ordinance give the Sheriff’s Department authority to enforce it.
Commissioner Burdick stated he understands the situation Mr. Ayers has and will consider what can be done.
e. Hartway Road & Orsley Twins Road
Commissioner Moore reported several residents on Hartway Road & Orsley Twins Road have expressed a desire for the two roads to be maintained by the county. He stated the county has failed to maintain both roads in the past several years.
Commissioner Moore entered a motion to reaffirm both roads as public roads and to maintain them from ditch to ditch. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Norris Allen expressed opposition to the county maintaining Hartway Road & Orsley Twins Road.
Commissioner Burdick asked if Mr. Allen has any paperwork showing that the roads are private roads. He also stated it will be a benefit for the county to maintain the roads.
Public Comment – Executive Session As Required – AdjournmentCommissioner Moore thanked the boy scouts for attending the meeting.
Commissioner Moore entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
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R. C. Oglesby, Chairman Lawana Kahn, County Clerk