Hart County Board of Commissioners

Called Meeting

August 31st, 2000

4:30 p.m.




Chairman Moore called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Those in attendance were as follows:


All BOC except Commissioner Burdick, who had a medical appointment, County Administrator Gary Cobb, City Manager Phil Hertz, County Attorney Walter Gordon, City of Hartwell Public Works Director Ron Walker, Ms. Herbert, Sun Reporter Mark Lanford, Ron Huffman of Robert & Company.


1.                  BOC and City of Hartwell Input to Recreation Park Master Plan


Ron Huffman briefed those attending on the meetings he had held today. He estimated about 35 people had attended and he had 30 survey responses. Phil Hertz said he had received input for the need for walking paths and limited bicycle paths. There was also concern about lighting and noise and what impacts there would be on the Catholic Church. He was also interested in what the utility needs of the site would be.


Gary Cobb suggested that a small area be set aside for croquet, badminton, and horseshoes.


There was a general discussion on the topography of the site and entrance considerations.


2.         SPLOST


Walter Gordon reviewed the proposed resolution calling for the vote on a new SPLOST. He carefully laid out the legal basis for each category of projects.


Mr. Gordon then explained the Amendment to the Water Agreement between the City of Hartwell and the Hart County Water and Sewer Utility Authority. The amendment was approved by the City Council (4-2) on August 24th, 2000.


Finally, Mr. Gordon explained the need for the Intergovernmental Agreement, which he went over paragraph by paragraph. The City was to meet on this agreement on September 1st, 2000 as was the Water and Sewer Utility Authority.


After insuring there were no further questions on these documents, Chairman Moore asked for a motion on the Intergovernmental Water Agreement. Commissioner Oglesby moved that the BOC approve the agreement provided the City of Hartwell approves the Agreement. Motion seconded by Commissioner Hannah. Motion passed 4-0. The agreement is recorded in the "2000-2001" minutes book.


Motion was made by Commissioner Oglesby and seconded by Commissioner Brown that the BOC approve the SPLOST Resolution as presented and authorized the County Attorney to forward it to the US Department of Justice. Motion passed 4-0. The resolution is recorded in the "2000-2001" minutes book.


On a final matter, the BOC decided to hold two (2) public hearings on the budget and millage rate. The hearings would be at 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. September 12th, 2000 at the Administration Building.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 p.m.




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Joel Moore, Chairman                            Gary S. Cobb, County Administrator