Hart County Board of Commissioners

September 12th, 2000

5:30 p.m.


The Hart County Board of Commissioners met September 12th, 2000 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.


Chairman Joel Moore presided with Commissioners Don Burdick, Harry Hannah and R. C. Oglesby in attendance. Commissioner Ken Brown absent due to wife's recent surgery.


Call to Order, Welcome, Moment of Silence


Chairman Moore called the meeting to order, welcomed those in attendance and requested a moment of silence.


Approve Agenda


Commissioner Hannah entered a motion to adopt the meeting agenda. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

            8/21st, 08/22nd, 08/29th, 08/31st, 09/01st, 2000


Commissioner Hannah entered a motion to approve the minutes of meetings held August 21st, 22nd, 29th, 31st, and September 1st, 2000. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Remarks by Invited Guests, Committees, Authorities, Etc.



Reports By Constitutional Officers & Department Heads


County Attorney Walter Gordon explained the parliamentary procedure the Board uses to prepare the meeting agenda.


County Administrator's Report


County Administrator Gary Cobb reported that the county's spare key policy worked since Ms. Walter's was absent due to an injury and her boss needed a key to get in the Veteran's office.


Chairman's Report


Chairman Moore gave an update on the process of selecting a new E911 system. He said the committee has reviewed two systems and they will visit Barrow County on September 14th, and Jasper County on September 18th. He also announced a special called meeting of the Senate Veterans and Consumer Affairs Committee scheduled for Monday, October 2, 2000 at 10:00 a.m. at the Administrative office.


Commissioners' Reports


Commissioner Burdick clarified his statement concerning the Highway 29N bridge into South Carolina at the August 22nd meeting. He said it was brought to his attention that the new bridge would accommodate the video poker establishments, which was an "asinine statement." He said the purpose of the new bridge would be for the safety of people that use it and that traffic demands would warrant a new bridge in the future. 



Consent Agenda

a.                  Change order - Memorial Bridge Project

b.                  Architect Contract for the Domestic Violence Shelter

c.                  Architect Contract for the Adult Literacy Center

d.                  Hospital Authority Recommendations


Commissioner Oglesby entered a motion to move the Hospital Authority Recommendations to New Business and adopt the consent agenda. Commissioner Hannah provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.  The Consent Agenda is recorded in the "2000-2001" minutes book.


Old Business



New Business


a.                  Public Hearing - Recreation Master Plan


Ron Hoffman representing Robert & Company presented two master plans for the proposed Recreation project.


Chairman Moore asked if anyone representing the Recreation Board had any comments to the proposed plan.


Jimmy White said the Recreation project is a "God send" to benefit citizens of the county youth and senior adults.


Commissioner Burdick asked if the Recreation Board is pleased with the Master Plan. Mr. White responded that they were, especially since the plan concentrates on everyone's needs.


Commissioner Burdick also stated the board would have to consider additional staffing, maintenance and security for the new facility.


Herb Emmel voiced his concerns about the width of the entrance into the new recreation facility and the lighting. Mr. Hoffman remarked that the facility would be fully lighted and he felt the entrance was adequate.


Bill Rogers asked if there would be a place on site for the maintenance equipment and personnel at the recreation facility and if a swimming pool is being considered. Jimmy White said that installing a swimming pool would depend on the final outcome of the plan.


County Administrator Gary Cobb funding for the project will depend on the passage of the proposed 1% SPLOST in November. He also stated the Master Plan does not to provide for a building on the site.


Chairman Moore said that the property for expanding the Recreation Park would not exist today if it were not for the current 1% SPLOST. He said the community needs to be involved in the recreation project since it will belong to the people of Hart County.


Commissioner Burdick thanked Recreation Park Director Joe Crocker and the Recreation Board members for their input and support of the Recreation Master Plan.


b.                  Public Hearing - Fiscal Year 2001 Budget


Chairman Moore remarked that the proposed general fund budget is for maintaining the essential services needed on a day to day basis. He explained the budget process takes two to three months. He also reported the board has met the Taxpayers Bill of Rights requirements. He commended County Administrator Gary Cobb for preparing the proposed budget.


County Administrator Gary Cobb presented the proposed FY'01 Budget and gave a brief explanation various entities revenues and expenditures. He said personnel cost contributes to 63% of the General Fund budget.


c.                  Bids/Road Department pick-up trucks


The following dealers submitted sealed bids for the pick-up trucks:

            James Short Ford                 $14,965.00

            Wansley Ford                        $12,186.65

            Claude Ray Ford                   $13,585.00


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to direct the County Administrator and Public Works Director to review the bids and make a recommendation to the board at the next scheduled meeting. Commissioner Hannah provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


d.                  Bids/Group Health Insurance


The following insurance companies submitted bids for the county's group health insurance:

            Skelton Morris Associates

            New England Financial

            Franklin Insurance Agency

            Larry Baumwald Insurance Agency


Commissioner Hannah entered a motion to refer the bids to the County Administrator to review. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. County Administrator has received permission to have an outside consultant review the insurance proposals if necessary.


e.                  Hospital Authority Recommendations


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to submit Jim Spencer and James Morris to serve another term on the Hospital Authority Board. Commissioner Hannah provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Public Comment


Kenneth Hodges asked how many acres at the proposed Recreation site would have to be left as is to meet the requirements of the EPD. County Administrator Cobb responded that the results of an impact study require 30%.


Mr. Hodges remarked there would be ten acres left to construct a building on the site also. County Administrator Cobb reported there is no plans to put a building on the site.


Rev. Hulen Bryant inquired about the 29N water line project. Jere Johnson, Executive Director of the Hart County Water & Sewer Authority reported the bids for the project would be opened 9/21/00 at 5:30 p.m.


Rev. Bryant inquired about the video arcade license. Gary Cobb reported that a 150 machines have been registered so far.


Bill Rogers asked about the planned expenditures for developing the industrial park. Chairman Moore explained the expenditures will be paid through the proposed 1% SPLOST referendum if passed in November.


County Administrator Cobb remarked that the loan payments for the industrial park would be paid out of the 1%SPLOST revenues.

County Attorney Walter Gordon reported the one-half million-dollar grant for the industrial site would not require a re-payment.


Commissioner Burdick explained the Board is supporting industrial development in the county as an advantage down the road.


Executive Session As Required - Adjournment


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Hannah provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.




-------------------------------------------------        ----------------------------------------------------

Joel Moore, Chairman                                Lawana Kahn, County Clerk



Chairman Moore called the second FY'01 budget hearing to order at 7:15 p.m. There was no one in attendance for the hearing. The meeting was adjourned.