Hart County Board of Commissioners
April 10th, 2001
5:30 p.m.
The Hart County Board of Commissioners met April 10th, 2001 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.
Chairman R. C. Oglesby presided with Commissioners Randy Banister, Ken Brown, Don Burdick and Joey Dorsey in attendance.
Call to Order, Welcome, Moment
of Silence
Chairman Oglesby called the meeting to order, welcomed those in attendance and asked for a moment of silence.
Approve Agenda
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to amend and approve the meeting agenda as follows: Old Business - add tabled matter Gaines Court, New Business - contract/Howell Group. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The agenda is recorded in the minutes book.
Approve Minutes of Previous
03/27th '01
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 27th, 2001. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Remarks by Invited Guests,
Committees, Authorities, Etc.
a. Mike Hazleton & Jerry Wise - Economic Development Academy -
"Windshield Tour"
Mr. Hazleton, representing Hart County in the Georgia Academy Economic Development, presented the results of the "Windshield Tour" of Hart County. He explained that a committee from outside Hart County toured the county and presented the results of their tour. According to the committee's results the county rated overall good in appearance. However, proper signage and roadside trash was an area that needed attention.
Chairman Oglesby thanked Mr. Hazleton for the report.
Reports By Constitutional
Officers & Department Heads
County Attorney did not have anything to report.
County Administrator's Report
County Administrator Gary Cobb reported the lawn maintenance bid was awarded to Eberhardt Lawn Care @$295 per cut. He attended a pre-construction conference for the Battered Women's Shelter and reviewed the design concept for the proposed Behavioral Health facility. He said the deadline to submit the grant application to the Community Development Block Grant for the Behavioral Health facility is April 27th, 2001.
He reported that the Literacy Center - Library parking lot variance is on the City of Hartwell's Planning and Zoning Meeting agenda. They will recommend or not recommend the Mayor/Council to approve the variance.
He announced that Angela Steadly, grant writer for the RDC, has resigned to take a position with DCA. He recommended the commissioners thank Ms. Steadly for the assistance she has provided the county in obtaining several grants.
He also reported that he and Road Superintendent Ronnie Dickerson would be meeting with the City of Royston Manager to discuss Hobbs Street.
Commissioner Burdick asked how the proposed Behavioral Health facility would fit in on the property with the DFACS facility. Administrator Cobb explained that the 5,400 square foot facility will have a residential appearance, part brick and vinyl siding.
Commissioner Banister asked if the RDC would get a fee for writing the grant. Administrator Cobb remarked that they will receive 5% for administration of the grant. He explained that the county would be obligated to $10,000 cash match and donate in-kind services if the grant is approved.
Administrator Cobb also explained that the building will be a county facility and will lease it to Mental Health for fifteen years. Adding that the lease fees will more than pay for maintenance and upkeep of the facility.
County Attorney Walter Gordon remarked that the land for the facility has been obtained at no cost to the taxpayers.
Chairman's Report
Chairman Oglesby reported that he has received written confirmation from the DOT to do a traffic study at the Highway 51 and Vickery Street intersection.
Commissioner Burdick pointed out that Highway 51 is a state highway.
Commissioners' Reports
The Commissioners did not have anything to report.
Old Business
a. Gaines Court
Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to abandon sections A and B of Gaines Court that no longer serves the public use or benefit, as per the plat diagram recorded in the minutes book. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
New Business
a. FY2000 Audit Report - Wayne Bowen, CPA
Mr. Bowen audited the financial statements for fiscal year 2000 and reported that the county is in solid financial shape. He cautioned the commissioners to watch expenditures in relation to the budget. He gave a brief report of the revenues and expenditures for all funds.
Mr. Bowen thanked County Administrator Gary Cobb, County Clerk Lawana Kahn and Deputy County Clerk Betty Floyd for a job well done.
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to accept the audit report as presented. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
b. General Fund Budget Amendment - Highway & Street Administration capital budget 54.2200 vehicles
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to adopt the resolution to amend the budget by $4,000 for the purchase of a bucket truck from the Department of Administrative Services. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The resolution is recorded in the minutes book.
c. Sub-Division Plat Nichole Point - George Stowe
Administrator Cobb reported that the sub-division plat has been reviewed and everything is in order. He said that the road is private and will remain that way.
Commissioner Brown entered a motion to approve the sub-division plat as presented. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
d. Sub-Division Plat - Donald & James Crawford
Commissioner Brown entered a motion to approve the sub-division plat as presented. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
e. Regional Economic Advancement & Development Resolution
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to adopt the "READI" Resolution. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The resolution is recorded in the minutes book.
f. Contract/Howell Group
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to approve the contract with Howell Group for architectural fees for the proposed Behavioral Health facility in the amount of $1,500.
Commissioner Banister asked if the county is awarded the CDBG grant will the Howell Group be the architectural firm automatically assigned. Administrator Cobb remarked that the project will be placed out for bid.
Commissioner Banister also asked if it is anticipated that additional county funds will be expended, other than $10,000. Administrator Cobb responded that the county's match will be $10,000. However, if the county does not get the grant they will still be responsible for the $1,500 expenditures to the Howell Group.
Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Oglesby remarked that he understood there was an emergency situation that prompted the Sheriff to acquire inmate meals from another vendor. However, the inmate meals needs to be placed out for bids or consider equipping the kitchen area.
Administrator Cobb remarked that he has asked the Sheriff to put in writing the inmate meal matter.
Public Comment
a. Gladys Teasley - Teasley Lane
Gladys Teasley resident of Teasley Lane complained that the county has not maintained the road for six years. She requested that road maintenance be done.
Chairman Oglesby directed County Administrator Gary Cobb and Road Superintendent Ronnie Dickerson to inspect the road and do whatever is necessary to correct the situation.
Mrs. Cheek voiced her concerns about wells that are going dry in the county. She wanted to know when county residents could anticipate getting countywide water. Commissioner Burdick remarked that the county is moving as fast as possible with the available funds to install waterlines. However, it will be quite awhile before the entire county would have a countywide water system.
Mrs. Cheek suggested that the county inquire about federal disaster funds available to assist areas with water problems.
Chairman Oglesby thanked Mrs. Cheek for her time.
Commissioner Brown entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
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R. C. Oglesby, Chairman Lawana Kahn, County Clerk