Hart County Board of Commissioners
August 28th, 2001
7:00 p.m.
The Hart County Board of Commissioners met August 28th, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.
Chairman R. C. Oglesby presided
with Commissioners
Call to Order, Welcome, Moment of Silence
Chairman Oglesby called the meeting to order, welcomed those in attendance and called for a moment of silence.
Approve Agenda
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to amend the agenda to include New Business item h. Lease/Battered Women's Shelter, move item a. to Public Comment item a. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
08-14-01, 08-21-01, 08-23-01
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held August 14, 21 and 23, 2001. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Remarks by Invited Guests, Committees, Authorities, Etc.
Reports By Constitutional Officers & Department Heads
County Attorney
Clerk of Superior Court Bill Holland requested that the board consider upgrading the Chief Deputy Clerk to a step grade 16 and the Deputy Clerks to a step grade 15. He remarked that Steve Candry from the University of Ga. did not complete the job descriptions. He felt the salary survey recommendations did not include all the responsibilities that the employees perform.
County Administrator's Report
County Administrator Gary Cobb did not have anything to report.
Chairman's Report
Chairman Oglesby did not have anything to report.
Commissioners' Reports
Commissioner Burdick reported that the State Senate has approved Governor Barnes' bill to ban video poker in the State of Georgia. Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to write a letter to the House Rules Committee to support Governor Barnes' bill without any changes or exemptions. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
a. Contract-Literacy Center/Library
Commissioner Brown entered a motion to approve the contract between Hart County and Escex Company Inc for additions and renovations to the Hart County Adult Learning Center and Library for a total contract sum of $613,600 pending final review from the County Attorney. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion.
County Administrator Cobb reported that the county was awarded a CDBG $400,000 grant for the Adult Learning Center and Library project and a budget expenditure of $300,000 from the 1%SPLOST funds.
The vote carried unanimously.
New Business
a. Nancy Snow-Laura Lane moved to Public Comment item a.
b. DCA Mandated Environmental Ordinances
County Administrator Cobb reported that DCA is expecting the county to enact the Wetlands, Groundwater Recharge Areas and Watershed Protection Ordinances by February 28, 2004. Administrator Cobb remarked that there could be a problem acquiring permits from DNR if the county delays enactment of the ordinances.
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to contact DCA and indicate the county intends to pursue enactment of the ordinances as soon as possible. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
c. General Fund Budget Amendments
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to amend the General Fund Budget-Sheriff Department account #53.1750 by $2,337.57 to fund the repair of a recently damaged patrol car. Further, that the General Fund Revenue Account #38.3000 be increased by $2,337.57 as a result of an insurance claim payment. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
d. Codification of all ordinances through February 13, 2001
Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to amend the General Fund Budget to increase the General Government account #53.1400 by $1,710 to cover the expense of codifying all new and changed ordinances that have been enacted since the initial codification. Funding to be from the General Fund Balance. The motion carried unanimously.
e. Invoice Payment Policy
County Administrator Cobb presented an Invoice Payment Policy to process authorized invoices and issue checks for their payment within ten working days from their receipt bearing appropriate approval signature(s).
Commissioner Banister suggested that invoices be standardized through a stamp for approval process before payment is issued.
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to adopt an Invoice Payment Policy and utilize a stamp process. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
f. Hart County Hospital Authority Board Recommendation
Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to recommend Robert Clark, Alice Glenn and Owen Morris to serve on the Hospital Authority. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
g. Hart County Library Board Appointment
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to table the Library Board Appointment. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
h. Lease/Domestic Battered Women's Shelter
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to authorize the Chairman to execute the lease agreement contingent on the County Attorney's final review. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Burdick remarked that he has asked Sheriff Cleveland to investigate devices that are attached to vehicle to scar deer.
Public Comment
a. Nancy Snow-Laura Lane
Ms. Snow requested that the commissioners adopt Laura Lane, which is 2/10 of a mile into the county road system. She reported that the property owners have an easement and are waiting to get a right-of-way deed signed.
Commissioner Burdick remarked that it is difficult for some homeowners to get proper right-of-ways and that they are taxpayers also.
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to table a decision to adopt Laura Lane into the county road system until proper right-of-ways have been acquired. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
County Administrator Cobb remarked that this was Mark Lanford's last meeting to attend. He commended Hartwell Sun Reporter Mark Lanford on behalf of the job he has done. He wished him well on his new job.
Chief Clerk of Superior Court Joanne Martin stated that she has been employed with the county for twenty-five years. She invited each of the Commissioners to visit the Clerk's office and see how much the workload has increased over twenty-five years.
Executive Session
Commissioner Brown entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
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R. C. Oglesby, Chairman Lawana Kahn, County Clerk