Hart County Board of Commissioners

Planning Session

January 22nd, 2001


Meeting was called to order by Chairman Oglesby at 4:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Banister, Burdick and Dorsey. Also in attendance were Gary Cobb, Walter Gordon, Joe Brandenburg, Mark Lanford (Hartwell Sun), Ken Fetta (part time) and Margaret Crossley (part time).


Chairman Oglesby recognized Ken Fetta to present the Board of Assessors recommendation for the Business Personal Property Audit Services. Mr. Fetta reviewed the two acceptable proposals that were opened on the 9th. A third proposal contained no price and was eliminated from consideration. Considering all aspects of the required tasks, Mr. Fetta recommended Mendola Associates. They were about $1,700 more than the low bidder but the experience and certification of their staff gave them an advantage. The bid price was for twenty-six businesses and exceeded the budget for this task by about $14,000. The board directed that the matter be placed on the New Business along with an amendment to the General Fund Budget to pay for the services.


Joe Brandenburg expressed his desire to keep the Monday night Planning Sessions. He felt they were open and very educational to the public.


County Administrator's Report


·        Bate Letter - Calcutt Road


There were no additional comments to the draft Bate letter. It will be sent on the 10th.


·        2001 Bushhog Contract


The board felt the contract should be bid this year. The specification will be reviewed and updated. The matter was directed to the Consent Agenda.


·        February 5-6 Workshop


Ideas were discussed for the workshop agenda. A draft will be prepared.


·        Battery bid


Due to the large volume and thus costs for vehicle batteries. The matter was directed to the Consent Agenda.


·        New Administrative Positions


The Job descriptions for the Administrative Assistant and Clerk/Receptionist were discussed along with proposed changes to the County Clerk and Deputy Clerk's positions. To understand the need for these positions better, copies of other jobs were requested. The matter will be on the Workshop Agenda.


·        Planning Meeting Minutes


The board agreed with the County Administrator that the County Clerk or Deputy Clerk would assist with the Planning Session minutes.


Chairman's Report  


Chairman Oglesby reported on his attendance at the Industrial Building Authority meeting. There appears to be action coming soon on the Dunlop property.


The Planning session scheduled for February 12th, 2001 is cancelled pending discussion of these meetings at the Workshop.


Chairman Oglesby asked whether the monthly costs for the new 911 system had been established. They have not at this time but work is continuing in this area.


Commissioners' Reports


Commissioner Burdick discussed the Anderson Independent article on Habersham County's proposal to withdraw 12.5 million gallons daily from Lake Tugalo and return most of it to property in the Chattachocee River Basin. The County Attorney was asked to prepare a letter to the Corps of Army Engineers on this. The deadline is January 27th, 2001.


Commissioner Dorsey displayed photos of the condition of Gaines Court. He suggested that the county consider abandonment proceedings on Gaines Court. Walter Gordon discussed that the criteria of such a proceeding was, "does the road provide for the public good and benefit." Matter was directed to be placed on the New Business Agenda.


Other Items


The Bond fee item on the agenda was directed to be removed.


At 7:00 p.m., Commissioner Dorsey made the motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing real estate acquisition and potential litigation matters. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. Vote 4-0.


At 7:30 p.m., Planning Session resumed. Motion by Commissioner Banister, seconded by Commissioner Burdick to adjourn. Vote 4-0.




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R. C. Oglesby, Chairman                       Gary S. Cobb, County Administrator