Hart County Board of Commissioners
June 12th, 2001
5:30 p.m.
The Hart County Board of Commissioners met June 12th, 2001 in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.
Chairman R. C. Oglesby presided
with Commissioners
Chairman Oglesby called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m., welcomed those in attendance and called for a moment of silence.
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to remove New Business Item M from the agenda and approve the meeting agenda as presented. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The agenda is recorded in the “2001-2002” minutes book.
Approve Minutes of Previous
05/22nd, 05/23rd ‘01
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve the minutes of the meetings held May 22nd, and May 23rd, 2001. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Oglesby announced that the Department of Transportation would hold their annual meeting June 22nd, 2001 at the Hart County Library.
Chairman Oglesby announced that
Commissioner Banister stated he had gotten several calls concerning completion of the Memorial Bridge Road project. County Administrator Gary Cobb reported that the work had been postponed until the 1%SPLOST II funds are available.
a. Pilot Club Request
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to permit the Pilot Club to use a picture of the courthouse on the Pilot Club’s Christmas tree ornament. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
b. Landfill Change Order #1
County Administrator Cobb explained that the contract with Hayes, James Engineering Firm required a change order of $4,651 for the county landfill site. He also stated the change order would require a budget amendment of $1,608.
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve the change order and the budget amendment. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
c. Georgia Landfill Contract Amendment
County Administrator Cobb explained that Waste Management has offered to extend the current waste hauling contract for an additional five-year period. There would be no increase until 2004 and then there would be a 3% annual increase. He recommended that since the vendor has done an outstanding job that the commissioners consider their proposal.
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to allow the chairman to execute the document pending the review of the county attorney and evaluation of contracts from other counties for the service. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
d. Obloy Subdivision
County Administrator Cobb reported that Mr. Obloy’s request to subdivide the property was questionable as to whether it met the 60’ front footage criteria of the subdivision ordinance. Also in question was whether the lot lines were perpendicular to the road as far as practical.
Margaret Haley remarked that her property adjoins Mr. Obloy on the west side. She voiced her concerns that it was obvious that subdividing the property would create flag lots and would be an attempt to circumvent the county ordinance.
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to deny Mr. Obloy’s subdivision request. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion.
Attorney Eugene Harper said he didn’t consider the request as being a flag lot and asked the board to consider granting Mr. Obloy a variance. He said Mr. Obloy wants to construct a new house on the property and he will consent to a restricted covenant on lot number two.
Attorney Harper also remarked that the Haley property is being used commercially by storing heavy equipment on the site.
Mrs. Haley reported that her husband is in the excavating business and it is impossible not to have some of his equipment on their property from time to time.
Mr. Obloy said that he has an appraised value of the combined property, which would go up approximately $130,000 by going ahead with the split.
Attorney Harper said the property could be restricted to residential purposes.
Commissioner Banister asked what the county requirements are for a variance with a sixty-foot right-of-way plus the parallel lines. Administrator Cobb stated if it is practical that the lines be run parallel. Commissioner Banister asked why the ordinance required a sixty-foot right-of-way. Administrator Cobb remarked that the sixty-foot right-of-way requirement was put in the ordinance to try to minimize the impact of flag lots.
Attorney Harper said there was no other way to subdivide the property since there is already a house on the lot and that the board had a judgment to make.
County Attorney Gordon said the issue was to determine if it is practical to require parallel lines subdivide the property the way it was presented.
Chairman Oglesby called for a vote. The motion to deny the subdivision request carried 4-1 with Commissioner Banister opposing.
e. Frank D. Still Subdivision
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve Mr. Still’s subdivision request. Commissioner Brown provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
f. Hatcher Properties Subdivision
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to approve Hatcher Properties Subdivision request. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
g. Roger Duncan Subdivision
County Administrator Cobb reported that everything is in order with the exception of a soil erosion plan.
Commissioner Banister entered a motion to approve Roger Duncan Subdivision request pending that an approved soil erosion plan is provided. Commissioner Brown provided a second the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to submit a letter to the City of Hartwell to request changing a portion of Clay Street to Harry Hannah St. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
h. Hart County Magazine Advertisement
County Administrator Cobb reported that the Chamber of Commerce is in the process of publishing a Hart County Magazine. He asked if the county government is interested in participating. He gave the cost for a page, half page ad and said that the magazine would serve as a marketing tool for the county.
Commissioner Banister entered a motion not to fund the magazine ad project. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
i. First Reading – Chapter 290-5-14 Food Service
j. First Reading – Chapter 290-5-26 On Site Sewage Management
k. First Reading – Chapter 290-5-18 Tourist Accommodations
l. First Reading – Chapter 290-5-57 Swimming pools, Spas & Recreation Water Parks
Gary Helmuth, Environmental Health Specialist, explained that the changes to the above referenced ordinances were in accordance to State rules and regulations. He gave a brief description of each ordinance.
m. Item removed from the agenda
n. Georgia Fund 1 Resolution to authorize investment
Commissioner Brown entered a motion to adopt the Georgia Fund 1 Resolution to authorize investing the Insurance Premium Tax and E911 funds in a higher interest rate account. Commissioner Burdick provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
o. Gaines Court Subdivision
Administrator Cobb reported that Mr. Martin has been informed that he will need to place gravel on a forty-foot section of the road. He recommended the matter be tabled until Mr. Martin meets the county requirements. Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to table the subdivision request. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Virgil Ayers questioned the board about the planning session that was held June 11th, 2001. He said that the agenda was not made public beforehand. He asked if the board was purchasing land and if so the public is entitled to know.
Commissioner Burdick said that the board did not make a decision to purchase property during the executive session.
Mr. Ayers asked about the personnel matters that were discussed in executive session.
Chairman Oglesby remarked that the board was gathering evidence for personnel matters. He also remarked that the June 11th meeting was made public and placed on the bulletin board in the administrative facility June 4th, 2001.
Commissioner Brown entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
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R. C. Oglesby, Chairman Lawana Kahn, County Clerk