Hart County Board of Commissioners

April 30, 2002

Work Session


Chairman Dorsey called the meeting to order following the adjournment of the Regular commissioner meeting.


Commissioners present were Brown, Burdick, Banister and Dorsey.


Also present were Walter Gordon and Gary Cobb.


The only agenda topic was the LOST meeting scheduled for noon May 1, 2002.


The status of the previous two meetings was addressed. Each Commissioner addressed the Board on their thoughts concerning the equitable division of the LOST revenues. County Attorney Gordon and County Administrator Cobb introduced the discussion of the HOST if the LOST negotiations were unsuccessful. After much discussion of the matter, the sense of the BOC was:


·        The LOST revenues should be divided based on the tax digest.

·        If any agreement could not be reached by May 19, 2002 (60 days from start of negotiations), the County will immediately go to arbitration or mediation.

·        If the arbitrator/mediator is unsuccessful, the LOST will expire December 31, 2002.

·        The BOC will seek voter approval to enact a 1% HOST.

·        Revenues from the HOST would be used 100% to provide property tax relief by first raising homestead exemptions until homesteaders pay no BOC property tax. If additional revenue were available, it would be used to reduce the millage rate for all property owners.


Motion by Commissioner Banister and seconded by Commissioner Brown to adjourn the meeting. Vote 4-0.



___________________________           _____________________________

Joey Dorsey, Chairman                               Gary Cobb, Administrator