Hart County Board of Commissioners

Work Session

February 7th, 2001

4:30 p.m.



The Hart County Board of Commissioners met February 7th, 2002 at 4:30 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.


Chairman Joey Dorsey presided with Commissioners Randy Banister, Ken Brown, Don Burdick and R. C. Oglesby in attendance. Also in attendance were County Administrator Gary Cobb, Public Works Director Jon Caime, County Clerk Lawana Kahn and Robert Rider (Sun reporter).


Chairman Dorsey called the meeting to order.


1.                  Roads


a.                  Road Project Status (short)

Public Works Director Caime presented a report on the number of creek crossings, an inventory of dirt roads, paved roads and paved road conditions, road project budget update.


b.                  Paving RFQ Status

Public Works Director Caime reported that Redwine Church, Pinkston, George Burns, Holmes and Parham Roads are out for bid due in February 22nd, 2002.


c.                  State First Time Paving Contract Status

Public Works Director Caime reported that the above roads should be complete in the summer.


d.                  State Asphalt Agreement Status

Public Works Director Caime reported he is awaiting DOT action for Vanna Road, Martin Norman Place, Parks Brown, Ruckers, Jud Cole, Crump, Hillandale, Walters Roads.


e.                  LARP Status

Public Works Director Caime reported that the DOT approved 7.35 miles for the LARP program for the following roads:   Carey Craft, Clay Brown, Elrod Ferry and Woodland Drive.


f.                    Bushhog Contract Renewal

County Administrator Cobb reported that Alton Leard has agreed to contract with the county at the same rate as contracted in 2001. It was agreed the item be placed on the February 12th, 2002 meeting agenda.


g.                  William McCalley/Ivy Trail CR Encroachment

Public Works Director Caime explained the situation to the board. The consensus of the board was to get the county surveyor to locate the point to determine if the county has encroached on Mr. McCalley's property.


h.                  Johnson Street Surplus Materials Issue

Commissioner Oglesby reported that the City of Hartwell has not used the entire pipe for the Johnson Street project that the county furnished. 


i.                    George Bowers/ROW Issue Status

Consensus of the board that immediate attention be given to the matter.


j.                     Hart State Park Fence Issue Status

Consensus of the board was to contact the county surveyor concerning the matter. 


k.                  Bakers Road/Railroad Track Issue

Public Works Director Caime explained that new rail tracks had been installed and were two inches higher than the county road. Chairman Dorsey directed Caime to evaluate the situation and make a recommendation to the board.


l.                     Emergency Maintenance Policy for County Gravel Roads

After brief discussion it was decided to place the item on the February 12th, 2002 meeting agenda.


2.                  Flood Plain Issue Status

After discussing the Flood Plain program it was decided to place the item under further study.


3.                  Fire Department Retirement Plan

County Administrator Cobb explained that the volunteer firemen are required to meet certain criteria in order to be eligible for the retirement plan. He also explained that the proposed plan would cost $12,600 annually. 


4.                  Meeting Agenda Order and Content

After reviewing the proposed agenda order and content it was decided to place the item on the February 12th, 2002 meeting agenda.


5.                  Redistricting Project

It was decided to place the item on the February 12th, 2002 meeting agenda.


6.                  Courthouse Parking

Chairman Dorsey reported that the City Council agreed to a trail basis to issue a color card parking permit plan that will allow called jurors to park on the town square next to the courthouse while they are serving jury duty.


7.                  Meeting Date with Franklin/Hart Airport Authority

It was decided to meet with the Authority at noon on February 26th, 2002 or if not suitable then March 12th, 2002 was the next date.


8.                  Joint Meeting with the City

It was the consensus of the board to schedule a weekend retreat with the City on Friday night and end on Saturday. The date for the retreat was not determined.


9.                  Sam Hilliard request for extending county liability coverage to the Susquicentennial Site

It was decided to place the item on the February 12th, 2002 meeting agenda.


10.             DFACS driver as County Employee

After brief discussion the matter is to be placed on the February 12th, 2002 meeting agenda.


11.             Other

Commissioner Oglesby reported that the City of Hartwell needed assistance to pave Harry Hannah Drive, Poplar Street and Hattie Brown Drive. It was decided to place the item on the February 12th, 2002 meeting agenda.


Commissioner Burdick entered a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.





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Joey Dorsey, Chairman                                  Lawana Kahn, County Clerk