Hart County Board of Commissioners

Called Work Session

October 14th, 2002

5:00 p.m.


Vice Chairman Brown called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Commissioners present were Burdick, Oglesby and Brown. Also present were Jeff Schenck (Hartwell Sun), Nathan Golden (Anderson Independent), Jon Caime and Gary Cobb. Commissioners Banister and Chairman Dorsey joined the meeting shortly after it started.


1.                  Landfill Gas Remediation Status

PWD Caime gave the Board an update on the Landfill methane gas issue. He covered his conversation with the EPD and county consultant, Goldie & Associates. At this time the EPD is anxiously awaiting our plan for remedation methane gas at the Landfill. They view previous attempts using vent trenches inadequate and have recommended more aggressive methods. Two options were discussed. The first would be a four-phase plan consisting of

1.      Installing methane detectors in all habitable units above the landfill. Estimated cost $50,000.

2.      Relocate Monitoring Wells at a cost of $30,000.

3.      Installation of Passive Cap/Perimeter Vents based on testing data. Estimated costs $100,000.

4.      If above three phases still indicated an off-site methane problem, then an Active Methane Extraction System would be built at a cost of $300,000.


The second option would be to purchase all land/dwellings within 200 ft of Landfill Road and part of Hodges Mill Road so if methane migration were confirmed, it would be on county owned property. Whichever option is followed, the EPD would have to approve.


After a lengthy discussion, Commissioner Oglesby made a motion to go forward with Option 1. Commissioner Burdick provided the second. Vote was 4-0. (Chairman Dorsey not in attendance at this time)


2.                  Open DOT Assistance Request 


PWD Caime explained the status of four open DOT Assistance Requests. After much discussion, particularly Old Henry's Road bridge and the new elementary school intersection, Commissioner Burdick motioned that all four items be removed. Commissioner Brown 2nd the motion but subsequently removed his second. Chairman Dorsey provided the second. Vote 5-0. PWD was directed to provide up-to-date engineering drawings of the intersection project. It was noted that the Board was not removing their support, but these projects were not to be funded at this time via State DOT County Assistance.


3.         Contract Renewals for Pipe Hauling and Testing Services


Motion by Commissioner Burdick, 2nd by Commissioner Banister to seek contract extensions, at same price, for pipe hauling and testing services. Vote 5-0.


4.         Road Naming Policy  


A proposed Road Naming Policy was presented (see attachment). After discussion Commissioner Banister moved to adopt the policy as presented. Commissioner Brown provided the second. Vote 5-0.


5.         Road Inventory Ordinance


PWD Caime reviewed his progress on this issue and he and the County Administrator recommended that the county go forth with the ordinance. The adoption would take three BOC meetings. Motion by Commissioner Burdick, second by Chairman Dorsey to proceed. Vote 5-0. First reading to be October 22, 2002.


6.         Asphalt Agreement/DOT Assistance Status 


PWD Caime review his conservation with the State DOT concerning available funds for Hart County Projects. His understanding is, Hart County will receive about $150,00 for all assistance, whether it is for 1st time paving, resurfacing, school projects or city projects. Our DOT FY03 funds have been committed to:

a.                  Vanna Road

Martin Norman Road

Jud Cole Road

Crumps Road


b.                  Ack Powell

Walt Wilson

Arrow Lane

Harbor Heights Circle


c.                  Winter Lane (earlier DOT funds)


Additional projects would be funded in FY04 (starting July 1, 2003)


7.         Road Department Secretary Position  


The previous secretary has not been replaced. Instead, the function has been moved to Laurie Adams who is located in the General Administrator Building. There are still a few issues to resolve at the Road Department site before such reorganization can be fully evaluated. Motion by Commissioner Oglesby, second by Commissioner Banister to continue this arrangement for 30 days before a final decision is reached. Vote 5-0. Discussion continued on reevaluating Laurie Adams' job description and grade. This matter was taken under study.


Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.




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Joey Dorsey, Chairman                               Gary S. Cobb, County Administrator