Hart County Board of Commissioners
March 23rd, 2004
7:00 p.m.
The Hart County Board of Commissioners met March 23rd, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.
Chairman Daniel Reyen presided with Commissioners R C Oglesby, Randy Banister, Ricky Carter and Joey Dorsey in attendance.
Chairman Reyen called the meeting to order.
Chairman Reyen welcomed those in attendance.
Commissioner Banister opened with prayer.
Everyone stood in observance of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to amend and approve the meeting agenda as follows:
New Business
f) Put out for bid office trailer - Transfer Station
g) Request to use the courthouse grounds - "Prevent Child Abuse"
Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Banister entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 9th, 2004 as amended. Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Interim Administrator Caime reported the following items:
Sheriff Mike Cleveland presented the request to use the courthouse grounds from the Hartwell Chapter to Prevent Child Abuse program to be held April 2nd, 2004.
Chairman Reyen entertained a motion to approve the use of the courthouse grounds amphitheater. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Chairman Reyen remarked that he wants to extend an invitation to all the local ministers to open the meetings with prayer.
Commissioner Oglesby announced that he will seek re-election for Commissioner District 1 on the Democratic ticket in the upcoming election.
Commissioner Carter requested that the Recreation Advisory Board meet with the board to discuss funding the new Recreation Park to take some of the burden off the taxpayers. That they should check into new and innovative ideas for revenue to help offset the burden to taxpayers.
Commissioner Banister suggested contacting other Recreation Parks and see if they have some creative ideas to raise funds to offset expenditures.
Commissioner Dorsey announced that he will seek re-election for Commissioner District 5 in the upcoming election on the Democratic ticket.
a) Approval-Leave W/O pay for Assessors' Office
Commissioner Banister entertained a motion to approve the leave request for Randall Scott Brown. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
a) Approval to place a request for Proposals for Courthouse out for "Bid"
Commissioner Banister entertained a motion to put a proposal for professional services for the courthouse out for bid. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion.
Commissioner Carter asked if anyone has contacted the Department of Community Affairs to get their assistance. Robert Rider member of the Courthouse Committee responded that the committee has contacted DCA and that they have a Department specializing in courthouses. Commissioner Banister reported that he has spoken with DCA Commissioner Mike Beatty.
Commissioner Dorsey remarked that the Grand Jury has raised issues concerning space problems in the courthouse for a number of years. However, he is not in favor of constructing a new courthouse.
Chairman Reyen called for a vote. The vote carried 5-0.
b) Mary Alice Applegate (DDA) - Request to use Courthouse Grounds
Ms. Applegate requested use of the courthouse grounds for the Arts in Hartwell Festival September 25th, 2004.
Commissioner Carter suggested that we seek advice from Extension Agent Charles Rice.
After discussing the matter, Commissioner Dorsey entertained a motion to table the matter until Ms. Applegate could contact Ext. Director Charles Rice. Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
c) Resolution for Speed Detection Devices
Chairman Reyen entertained a motion to adopt the Resolution. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0. The resolution is recorded in the official minutes book.
d) Request to place Fire Dept. Test Pit out for bid
Commissioner Banister entertained a motion to put out for bid a test pit for the Fire Department. Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
e) Bid Award - New Fire Truck Equipment
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to award the bid to FireLine, Inc. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
f) Request to place Office Trailer for the Transfer Station out for bid
Chairman Reyen entertained a motion to put out for bid a trailer for the Transfer Station. Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
g) Request for use of the courthouse grounds - Prevent Child Abuse Chapter
Item was discussed and acted upon in the agenda line item 9.
Commissioner Banister entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Reyen provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
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Daniel W. Reyen, Chairman Lawana Kahn, County Clerk