The Hart County Board of
Commissioners met
Chairman Daniel Reyen presided
with Commissioners
Chairman Reyen called the meeting
to order at
Chairman Reyen welcomed those in attendance.
Commissioner Banister offered prayer.
Everyone stood in observance of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Dorsey entertained a motion to amend and approve the agenda as follows:
Item #8 add Probate Judge Bob Smith - National Guard Armory Voting Precinct
Item #14 add h) Trees at the courthouse
Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to approve the minutes of the following meetings as amended:
August 9th, 10th, 11th, 11th, 17th, 18th, and 19th 2004
Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Judge Smith informed the BOC that he has been instructed that due to the 911 situation, the county is going to have to abandon use of the National Guard Armory to hold elections. He requested that the BOC proceed with relocating the polling place as soon as possible.
After discussing the issue, Commissioner
Oglesby entertained a motion to take the proper steps to relocate the polling
place to the Hart County Recreation facility which is located on
County Attorney
Chairman Reyen called for the vote. The vote carried 5-0.
Judge Smith also requested the county purchase one radar unit for the Georgia State Patrol to be used in the county.
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to purchase one radar unit not to exceed $1,000. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Attorney Gordon presented the one
year lease agreement to the BOC, which will relocate the Public Defender to the
City of
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to approve the lease agreement. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
IA Caime also announced that TI
Automotive is guaranteeing an employment interview for anyone that successfully
graduates from
11. Commissioners' Reports
Commissioner Dorsey reported that Flood insurance is now available to county residents through their insurance agency.
12. Consent Agenda
13. Old Business
a) Quality Industries Economic Development Loan
Attorney Gordon explained that
the EIP loan is a pass through loan that provides assistance to Quality Industries
LLC for financial assistance that allows the industry to retain and create
employment in
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to approve the EIP Loan Agreement and Servicing Agreement as presented. Commissioner Banister provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0. The agreements are recorded in the official minutes book of the county.
14. New Business
a) Discussion of Allegations of Illegal BOA Meeting
Chairman Reyen referenced an article in the Hartwell Sun August 12th and an editorial published in the Hartwell Sun August 19th concerning allegations of illegal meetings held by the Hart County Board of Tax Assessors.
Commissioner Dorsey suggested that they discuss the matter with the BOA at the August 31st work session.
Attorney Gordon defined an illegal meeting under the Georgia Sunshine Laws as follows:
1. A quorum of a defined agency
2. The absence of public access
3. The discussion of official business
Attorney Gordon stated that the meeting of the county board of assessors met the first two criteria; the third point is harder to prove. He stated that there were no allegations of a discussion of official business. However, it is not appropriate for the doors of government to be locked.
No action was taken.
Establishment of
IA Caime reported that all of last years timber value was put in the incorporated area of the County on the PT32 form which was signed by the Tax Commissioner, Chairman of the BOA and Chairman of the BOC, which was incorrect. He reported that this year the timber value was corrected however this year the all of the mobile homes values were moved to the incorporated areas of the county. The PT32 form had been signed by the Tax Commissioner and the Chairman of the BOA.
IA Caime explained that the BOA set values using the Cott system the information is forwarded to the Tax Commissioner for TBS to convert the information to the TC's computer system. He continued to explain that there was a reportedly a switch made in the coding system during the conversion. The result was an incorrectly executed PT32 millage report with most of the mobile home value of the unincorporated County reported as moving to the incorporated section of the County.
IA Caime reported that he has asked for a corrected report which will slightly affect the true rollback millage rate.
c) DDA Request to use Courthouse Grounds
No representation from the DDA so no action was taken.
Appointments -
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to submit Robert Clark, Alice Glenn and Owen Morris' names to the Hart County Hospital Authority for consideration. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
e) Coin Operated Machine Registration Fees
IA Caime reported that he has had a flood of applicants for coin operated machines and he is requesting that the BOC consider any legal taxation and/or processing fees to cover expenses of processing these applications.
Commissioner Dorsey entertained a
motion to table the issue until the
f) House Bill 1540
IA Caime explained that the Tax Payers Bill of Rights passed in 2000 does not allow the County to generate any revenue from the increased values of property in the County without calling it a tax increase. He explained that the law does allow the County to generate additional revenue from new construction however he explained that theoretically, new construction costs the government more than the additional revenue generated with the need for increased services.
He explained that the County is currently operating on a year 2000 dollar which was worth $0.88 in FY04 and will be worth even less in the coming FY05. However costs have continued to rise by the CPI inflationary value or more such as fuel costs which have increase some 75% in the past year. He explained that the County should be allowed to capture at a CPI inflationary limit of revenue growth on the increased value of property without having to call it a tax increase. He asked the BOC to support the ACCG’s effort to pass HB1540 which will correct this issue.
Commissioner Dorsey entertained a motion to send a letter supporting HB1540 to the State Representatives, Legislators and ACCG. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion.
g) LARP List FY05
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to submit the LARP list to the Department of Transportation. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
h) Trees - on the courthouse property
After discussing the matter at length, Commissioner Dorsey entertained a motion to award the bid to Joey Smith in the amount of $6,500. Commissioner Oglesby provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Dorsey entertained a motion that anything that goes out for sealed bids will be opened at a regular scheduled board meeting. Chairman Reyen provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
15. Public Comment
Residents on
No action was taken.
16. Executive Session
17. Adjournment
Commissioner Oglesby entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion. The motion carried 5-0.
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Daniel W. Reyen, Chairman Lawana Kahn,