Hart County Board of Commissioners

August 10th, 2004

5:30 p.m.



The Hart County Board of Commissioners met August 10th, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center.


Chairman Daniel Reyen presided with Commissioners Randy Banister, Ricky Carter and Joey Dorsey in attendance.  Commissioner RC Oglesby was absent.


1.      Call to Order

Chairman Reyen called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.


2.      Welcome

Chairman Reyen welcomed those in attendance.


3.      Prayer

Commissioner Banister offered prayer.


4.      Pledge of Allegiance

Everyone stood in observance of the Pledge of Allegiance.


5.      Approve Agenda

Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to approve the agenda, Commissioner Carter offered a second to the motion.  The motion carried 4-0.


6.      Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

·        7/13/2004 Regular Meeting

·        7/26/2004 Work Session

·        7/27/2004 Peer Review Work Session

·        7/27/2004 Regular Meeting

·        7/30/2004 Called Meeting

·        8/05/2004 Work Session

Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Commissioner Carter provided a second to the motion.  The motion carried 4-0.


7.      Remarks by Invited Guest, Committees, Authorities



8.      Reports by Constitutional Officers & Department Heads

County Attorney Walter Gordon requested that the next Regular Meeting agenda allow for a lease between the five county Northern Judicial Circuit and Dale Bush.

The lease would be for the Public Defender’s office space.  Mr. Gordon explained the office is located in Royston, Georgia which is a centralized location in the five county area.  Also, the building offers more space.  The monthly rent will be $1,000.00, to be divided equally between the five counties, making for equal monthly $200.00 portions.


9.      County Administrator’s Report

IA Jon Caime announced an Executive Session at 5:00pm.on August 11th to discuss Personnel.  Also Mr. Caime announced the following items would be on the August 24th Regular meeting agenda:


·        LARP list requests to be submitted by the Board.

·        The Downtown Development Authority’s request to use the grass areas and amphitheater area of the Courthouse grounds for the Arts in Hartwell Festive September 25th. 

·        Appointments to the Hart County Hospital Authority.

·        Discussion of the 2004 Tax Digest submitted by the Board of Tax Assessors.


IA Caime reminded the Board of the joint meeting with the City of Hartwell to discuss the Service Delivery Strategy, August 25th 3-7 and August 26th 3-7, scheduled by the Chamber of Commerce and to be held in the Literacy Center.


10.   Chairman’s Report



11.   Commissioners’ Reports



12.   Consent Agenda



13.   Old Business



14.   New Business

a)      Request by HCWSA for road cuts within the Rhodella Park Subdivision

County Attorney Gordon, who also serves as the HCWSA legal council, presented the permission request to cut the Rhodella Park Subdivision road thirteen times.

Mr. Gordon explained the need being because of no easements or ROWs being possible.  The lots within this subdivision are, for the most part, shallow.  To allow for boring underneath the road, there has to be enough ROW room for the machinery to operate.   The waterlines within this subdivision would connect to the Bowman Highway via the CDBG award of water supply and fire protection to the Sardis/ Liberty Hill Church areas.  These waterlines along with the Hodges Mill to US Hwy 29 South represent the Hart County East Water Project of the HCWSA.  The HCWSA would repair the cuts with an eight-inch concrete sub-layer covered with the same tar and gravel that the road now has.  Mr. Gordon further explained that cutting would save approximately $22,000 over the boring cost.


Commissioner Dorsey questioned why the HCWSA waited until so late in the project to request these cuttings.  Attorney Gordon answered this was the correct time to request the permit.  Commissioner Dorsey asked who the Engineer on this project was.  Attorney Gordon answered, Engineering Management located in Lawrenceville Georgia represented by Jerry Hood.


Chairman Reyen questioned if there was any bedrock in the area.  HCWSA Director Tony Smith stated it was unknown. 


Commissioner Dorsey asked what the tap fees would be.  Mr. Smith stated a $50.00 deposit would be required. 


Commissioner Banister questioned IA Caime about the long-term effects of cutting the road.   Mr. Caime stated his concern was for the bump that the concrete might cause.


Commissioner Carter asked IA Caime who would inspect these cuts.  Mr. Caime replied the staff would do an inspection.


Commissioner Dorsey asked how many customer there would be, HCWSA Director Smith stated 40 or about 95% of the area population.


Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to deny the cut permission.  Also, for the HCWSA to obtain as many easements and ROW’s as possible, then come back before the Board with the request.  Commissioner Carter gave a second to the motion.  The motion carried 4-0.


b)     Request for SPLOST II Budget Amendment-HCWSA

 Tony Smith, Director HCWSA requested that $11,810 be transferred from the Lavonia Highway waterline budget line item to the Highway 77 waterline budget line item. 


Commissioner Banister asked IA Caime if the SPLOST II cash flow would allow for this transfer.  IA Caime answered in the affirmative.  Commissioner Banister further questioned how the $190,000 budget overage would be met by the HCWSA.  Mr. Smith stated the funds would be drawn from grant funds being held in an Office of the Treasury Georgia Fund One investment account. 


Commissioner Dorsey entered a motion to allow the SPLOST II budget line items transfer.  Commissioner Carter gave a second to the motion.  The motion carried 4-0.


15.   Public Comment

Citizens living on a private road named Phillips Way addressed the BOC about having their road maintained by the County.  This road is not a county road.


County Attorney Gordon explained that this road was scraped at least once by the County in the early 1990’s which resulted in a lawsuit being brought against the County by a landowner near the entrance to this road.


After some discussion by the BOC, the Board decided to further research this issue.


16.   Executive Session



17.   Adjournment

Commissioner Banister entered a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Dorsey provided a second to the motion.  The motion carried 4-0.





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Daniel W. Reyen, Chairman                         Betty Floyd,Deputy County Clerk