Hart County Board of Commissioners

Budget Work Session

August 18th, 2004

5:00 p.m.



A work session of the Hart County Board of Commissioners was held Wednesday, August 18th, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. in the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center to discuss the FY05 budget.


All Hart County Board of Commissioners were present along with Jon Caime, Hart County Administrator.


There was a consensus of the Board of Commissioners to change the medical insurance group health plan to H502 which would be a 0.07% increase over FY'04 premium rate. Otherwise if the county stayed with the H352 plan there would be an increase of 12% over FY'04 premium rate.


The session ended at 6:45 p.m.




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Daniel W. Reyen, Chairman                  Jon Caime, Interim County Admin.